The Tale of the Stones Journey

My 'love affair' with natural stones and crystals began around 2005 when I became interested in the way they can protect us from the effects of electromagnetic radiations. These wonders of nature opened a new and unknown world to me and shortly after I started to create pieces that were meant to be a tribute to the mineral realm.

I combine the exceptional beauty of the stones with striking designs. But above all I let the stones shine and tell "their Story". I also love creating unique jewellery with beautiful antique pieces. The result is a handmade creation that turns heads, a timeless piece of jewellery that you will love and treasure. I always add that pinch of fun as well to make sure that you do not forget to enjoy yourself.

Most pieces are one-off creations. Some are for the ones who dare to dare, the others are simply stunning.

It is both an honor and a pleasure to work with these wonderful treasures of the Earth and to create unique jewellery that I hope will take you on a fascinating journey.

Homemade Jewelry by Sonia Valentini